Thursday, January 5, 2017

Friday, February 22, 2013

A new little man!


Oh boy, do we love our lil babe!! By the way, he was only 20.5 "..don't know how to edit my posts. He is just precious. Really good baby. Loves to be held!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Welcome to the world, Levi Micah!

So much has happened since I last posted, but by far the most exciting has been the addition of little Levi Micah, born January 23rd, 2013, weighing in at a whopping 10 lb, 4.2 oz, and 20 3/4" long..yikes, he is stirring so I need to go but I'll be back with pics and news!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Changes ahead

Life is full of changes isn't it? Ted starts a new job today, on the west coast. (Actually, it's not a new job, it's the one he had when we left.) After 4 and a half years in the south, he's back "home".  This is really where he wants to be. It's a great job opportunity for him and I'm excited for him! The down side is that we'll be leaving behind 4 children, and that is too sad. I always knew the day would come, I mean they are all 18 and older! I just didn't know it would happen all at the same time! (The youngest 5 and I will be joining him in a couple of weeks.)

The Lord has graciously been providing our every need to make this possible, and for that I am ever so grateful. I also see His hand on those staying here in Virginia, and that is a blessing to my heart. Hopefully we have given them good roots and now we give them wings.

We have some wonderful news..we have a boarder expected to arrive sometime in late January. We are hoping he will come and stay for a long time with us in our home..18 years or so! Yes, The Lord has blessed us with another lil Wright, and if all goes well, he will be joining us early next year! That will be ten children for us. Thank you, Lord.

Well, there is much to be done, but I wanted to update you all on a bit of our news!


I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. Psalms 1:21

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Good morning!

Good morning, Everyone! Just poppin' in to say howdy, and to add a few more blessings. I have pictures to add, but I can't find them on my computer!

Well, I hope it's ok if I brag a bit on my kiddos this morning! Our four oldest children are now all enrolled in college. We'll see what direction they are led to pursue, but they are all busy studying! I am excited to see the Lord work in their futures!

Caleb and Mandi are my only students left in our "one room school". They both started back to studies on Monday.

I am doing some fun pre-school stuff with Jed, Lacey, and Jeffy. I gave them each a new notebook and new coloring crayons yesterday. Oh, were they excited! Jed asked, "Is this Christmas?"  Wow, for .42 cents a piece, what joy they had! I love little ones!

About a week and a half ago, a life long dream of mine was fulfilled. Ted took the youngest four and I to Charleston, SC, where I stepped my feet for the very first time in the Atlantic Ocean! It was so wonderful. Wow, it was warm and felt so very nice. It was the first time the Lil Trio had ever been to the beach, and they had sooo much fun. I didn't realize that their joy brought perfect strangers some happiness, too! A couple of folks stopped us as we were leaving asking if it was our first time at the beach, as it looked as if we were having so much fun.

Ted is still working in South Carolina. He came home this past weekend. I miss him so much. We went down to see him the last two weekends, (the 12 and under crowd). He looks so good and has a nice tan from all that sunshine! The little boys have a hard time lately with good-byes when we have to leave SC. We are thankful he has a job in this economy, though.

Some more things I am thankful for..

81) Finally having my dream of stepping my feet in the Atlantic come true!
82) Hugs and kisses
83) A long awaited victory in our lives!
84) Old and new friends
85) Mothers
86) Precious life
87) Food put up for winter
88) Unexpected help
89) Healthy children
90) Joy that comes in the morning

Have a great day and I hope to be back before long!!

Monday, August 13, 2012

White Buffalo Woman

Jed just approached me (about 5:30 am) and asked, "What would you do if a had a White Buffalo Woman? And she tried to save me and you?" Oh my, after awhile he said she changed into White Skunk Woman, who wanted to kill White Buffalo Woman. Oh my, is he cute!

On a sadder note, please pray for Ted's grandma and Uncle Charles, who are both in very poor health.

Sorry I don't get in here much! Would love to do better, but I just can't seem to fit it all in!

I love motherhood!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

A picture-less post again..sorry!

So much is going on and I get too busy to come in here. I absolutely love blogs with photos, so I promise to try and get some in here. I actually have lots of updated photos!

The kids are all doing great..Naomi turned 18 on the 16th. WOW!! I now have 4 adult children. I believe they will all be in school come August. I heard a country song once I believe was called DON'T BLINK. It told of how if you blinked, you just might miss your babies growing up, etc. Motherhood has been a journey. I love it..wouldn't trade it for all the gold in California, even with all its trials. I know I am biased, but I have the best kids ever.

Ted is still working down in SC. He was able to come home the past two weekends, but not this one. The littles and I usually go down to visit quite a bit. We were actually planning a move back to NC, where his family lives, but for various reasons we decided to stay put for now. I was pretty sad at first, but for now I believe this is what the Lord has for us. (I love Ted's family so much and was looking forward to being by them all again!)

Well, I just wanted to add a few more gifts.

81) Sleep, when it finally comes.
82) Fried chicken
83) Baby hugs and kisses
84) Carefree days
85) Amazing grace